Team Vyne

Vyne Spotlight: Customer Success

We pride ourselves on our company culture and expertise. Our team is made up of various nationalities, backgrounds, skillsets and everyone plays a crucial role in our success. We're not into bragging, but everyone at Vyne is pretty awesome.

2 years ago • 2 min read

We recently received a wonderful testimonial from the CEO, Azad Kamrul at B A Exchange: “Excellent customer care”.

We pride ourselves on the experience we deliver to our merchants from the integrations to our portals to merchant user experience to the support we provide in order to help our customers succeed. And this shows as we're currently running at a merchant NPS score of 86. To understand why we invest in customer success we asked Lucy Moss, Head of Customer Success about the role it plays within Vyne and with our merchant customers.

What does Customer Success mean to you?

For me, Customer Success simply means enabling our customers to derive as much value as possible whilst using Vyne so they can meet their goals and objectives. Whether in our work-life or personal-life, we don't purchase products or services without a reason. Success is all about building strong relationships with customers to really understand why they're working with us, what they're trying to achieve and helping them to achieve it to drive business success.

What's the best part about your role in Customer Success?

The variety of people and teams you get to work with, both internally and externally. One minute you can be leading a Quarterly Business Review(QBR) with external stakeholders discussing conversion and volumes, the next you're working with Product and Engineering feeding back on a new feature based on the insights you've gathered from your customers.

What role does Customer Success play within Vyne?

Customer Success is the conduit between Vyne and its customers. Gathering important insights from customers to help Product define the roadmap, organising workshops with customers to discuss new features to make sure we're building what they need (not what we think they need) and most importantly ensuring we're building out our business and strategy with our customers at top of mind.

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